Meet Your Assessor
The mission of your Ascension Parish Assessor’s Office is to ensure fair and equitable assessments throughout the parish at the lowest levels allowed by Louisiana law. To accomplish this goal, we will utilize the latest mass appraisal and statistical standards and technology available in a continual effort to develop valuation models that eliminate any bias since fairness in property taxation cannot be assured if assessments are not based upon what your property is worth.
Your Assessor’s Office plays a vital role in Parish Government. All revenue collected from Ascension Parish taxpayers is used to fund your school system, law enforcement, parish government, fire protection, library and numerous other vital services.

M.J. “Mert” Smiley, CLA
Assessment Review Scheduling
If you have any questions regarding your assessment and would like to review your property by phone, please schedule an appointment by clicking the button below. We are doing our best to make our office available for you and answer any questions you may have.

IAAO Distinguished Assessment Jurisdiction Award

GFOA Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting